ketan agrawal

Last modified on August 31, 2021

Links to “meaning”

What about meaning? (Positive Psychology > What about meaning?)

purpose => something greater
values => act consistent with my right/wrong
efficacy => make a difference
self-worth => I am good, worthy

Meaning-happiness disjuncture: high in meaning, low in happiness. E.g. revolutionaries, parents

Sources: Relationships/Community, Authenticity, Significant Goals. Working on stuff that matters, that “moves the needle.” Struggle/Adversity

What’s the point of a digital lab [/garden/whatever]? (Making connections)

It seems like things gain more meaning when they are multiply-connected into the fabric of our reality.

Towards Causal Representation Learning (Some System 2 inductive priors)

Sparse causal graph of high-level, semantically meaningful variables.

Sparse factor graph.

Semantic variables are causal: agents, intentions, controllable objects, for example.

Changes in distribution are due to causal interventions (in the aforementioned high-level semantic space.) Provided we have the right abstractions, it would only take a few words to describe this change.

Everything that’s happening can be reported in simple language. (Interesting that this is an example of report/access consciousness.) Mapping from semantic variables <=> sentences

“generic rules” of how things work are shared across instances – need variables / functions / some form of indirection.

Stability/robustness in meaning (e.g. of laws of physics,) even with changes in distribution, vs. things that do change. E.g.: early visual layers are stable after childhood. Later things like object recognition can be adapted to very quickly.

Causal chains to explain things are short. (Interesting: connection to dissonance reduction: we like simple explanations of the world around us (possibly because it helps us streamline our cognition.))

Maintain continuity in life

We need some ways of maintaining continuity in our life, keeping re-upping on the same, powerful threads. Life shouldn’t dissolve into a sea of fragmented, 30-second Youtube clips…rather, we should keep coming back to the same threads, seeing how they evolve over time.

To be transformed by a book, readers must do more than absorb information: they must bathe in the book’s ideas, relate those ideas to experiences in their lives over weeks and months, try on the book’s mental models like a new hat.

I feel like…it takes time to integrate insights. To stitch them into our webs of meaning.

This can mean:

  • Doing intellectual work on a more daily basis, rather than in sporadic bursts, in order to be more immersed in that headspace. I feel like the people who are the best at what they do are absolutely immersed in the headspace – they’re the kind of people whose minds wander to think about those problems while they’re in the shower.
  • Actively memorizing things through spaced repetition .
  • Establishing a daily meditation practice, where you learn new insights over time.
  • “Slow-reading” a book, allowing its insights to unfurl over the backdrop of your life in motion. (Alternatively, re-reading a book at different points in your life.)

I think another crucial source of continuity in life is being part of a good community. Essentially, I’d want to find community/communities that take “that one engrossing conversation that kept you up till 3am,” and serialize it. Be living and breahting in an ideaspace that is enriching.